a perspective for problems
Problems, overwhelm, issues. Sensations, thoughts, emotions. They all seem very real. And, yes, in a way, they are. But we have to see them clearly, before addressing them.
Because all these things come and go, don’t they? They seem real only in the moment of their arising. It’s then that they seem as objects, fixed.
Are they fixed? Notice how they change, dissipate.
Ask then, what is it that is aware of these issues? What remains while sensations and problems shift? Ask, as a quiet, kind witness: “What part of me is being disturbed by this issue?” “What thought finds this problem disturbing?” “What thought leads to the felt experience of overwhelm?”
In the asking, something may settle. Something may find its way home. There is a quieter you at your core that witnesses in stillness, affection, love. That listens. That is. This, being, IN which disturbances arise, waves in an ocean.
You know how to respond. From quiet depth. From calm. From common sense intelligence, courage. With wonder at heart about even the miraculous possibility of waves within an ocean, that we feel and sense and think at all…this vastness of being alive. Riding waves?
stillness speaks