living in clarity
We could find out.
We could begin to merely witness what unfolds with our body-minds. For a week or so. With affection, but not involved. We could watch ourselves as if we were watching a movie. Neutral kindness for characters caught in psychological drama, chasing a whirlwind of fleeting desires, thoughts, feelings, beliefs.
No need to change the story. No need to judge. Noticing scenes. Flickerings, movements, reflections on a screen, experiences arising and passing.
Take a week off from drama. Notice. Show up. No need to get embroiled. No need to hold on to opinions, think your thinking, argue for your beliefs.
This isn’t aloofness nor indifference. Although it may feel that way at first. It may feel boring too: We are a bit addicted to our own movies. You might feel fear about surrendering control: So notice this. Just one week.
What might surface as true: A sense of relief. A taste of equanimity. An arising of compassion for our shared humanity. A sense of paradoxical love. For all that already is. And, yes, skilled action guided by clarity for what makes what you love even better.
An experiment. One week.