how to create cool things

The moon lazily lowered itself in the sky. Pink clouds lingered before turning gray. Night-blooming jasmine danced to fragrance suspended in dew.

People passed in cars. Joggers. Determined expressions that spoke of desires, pressures, thought-feelings of fear, disappointment, stress, joy.

The thoughts and feelings fleeting as the people passing. Yet had you asked about the thinking, you might hear: Because I want, have to, am afraid, am discouraged, just got this great thing.

As if thoughts and feelings are things. Things that hold us firm. Things to identify with. Outside in.

But what if we remember that moons, colors, scents, and dew offer themselves freely. Nothing to be wanted or scare myself with, no pressure.

The no things that are everything. Already here. Fleeting, yes. Yet maybe more real than thoughts. If only we dare see. Inside out.

Re-membering: It is grace. Grace showing a direct path. Ah, I can fall into this empty fullness. No chase. Effortless. I am that. Relief.

Nothing was ever lacking. Seeing. In-sight. A wellbeing that’s common sense. You cannot help now but create cool things. Doing your best work in the doing. This week, will you let yourself fall into the waning moon? Per chance to find that you are beyond falling.

credit:  Linda Xu | Unsplash

credit: Linda Xu | Unsplash


Peace is real, even at work


attentive to this hurting