You are the love in everything you love.
You are the beauty in everything you behold.
You are the intelligence in everything you understand.
You are the sweetness in all things.
~ Francis Lucille
All there is is Reality.
Coaching and consulting. For the wild (bewildered) mind, the seeking heart.
Inquiry to deepen understanding about what really brings you peace.
Which must be experientially verified. With benchmarks for success.
Pragmatic, grounded in being.
• One-on-one work into the essence of what you desire - career or otherwise.
Dialogue that invites your innate intelligence and wisdom to shine.
Support on your journey from struggle to freedom, from limiting belief to expansive living.
A direct and experimental path to happiness.
The sustained recognition of your deep okay-ness from which to dance your life.
Stop for a moment. Before you go out into the world again, before you pursue a new purpose, a better mission, a shinier object, before you speak or act again, dare to ask yourself first:
Who is this self that is searching and what is it searching for? Is it who I am? Is its quest on point? Or is this ever-moving self (and its ambition) perhaps a long-held and as yet unverified thought? Who am I really? What do I really want to live in this life? And how then shall I go about it?
Why not rest a bit and explore? Why not allow your self to fall into your Truth. In the words of William Samuel: "Awareness says to those who are weary and heavy laden, “Leave the separate sense of self and return to me and I will give you rest.”’ How can you know which path to travel before understanding the traveler herself? How will you know how to live or love before embracing the true heart of seeking? Pause. Go inward. Return to your being. Fall into Reality.
Let life be your celebration, let the universe be your body and playground. Your knowing your true nature is the source of your peace, happiness, success. It takes courage to inquire. But if you came to this page, you are already on the path. To experience what is true is not difficult. And it opens to new possibilities.. What might it be like to welcome all that life offers, fearless, free? The truth is closer than close: You are what you seek.
And so the invitation is to explore.
All there is is Reality, being, aware: still and dancing at once.
My name is Sophia Schweitzer.
By profession I am accredited with the International Coach Federation as a Professional Certified Coach, hold a degree in French literature & linguistics, and long worked as a science writer. In addition I had the privilege to serve and learn at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur and, for nearly eight years, at the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland. For several decades I was a Buddhist practitioner. The inquiry I offer is pragmatic, experiential, grounded in science and philosophy. Although tailored to you and the current moment we find ourselves in, it relies solidly on proven guidance tools and techniques.
Infinite gratitude to my own teachers, amid them foremost Francis Lucille. My approach fully grounds in the wisdom of the sages. It shimmers perhaps most with Advaita, Zen, and Kashmir Shaivism.
To be clear: I am not a teacher. When we work together, we engage in coaching, with some consulting if so desired, based on a direct experience or experiential understanding that I might be able to share. We dialogue and reflect. Together we discover new perspectives for you to verify for yourself. Consider me a mentor, a spiritual friend, an encouragement to experiment with a more heart-centered way of being in life.
Something beautiful happens in a space of shared awareness. In terms of logistics, you can book one conversation at a time. More if you like. No pressure to enter any “packages.” Fees start at $150 for a 50-minute call. With a discovery call prior.